About Us
The North American Virtual Recorder Society (NAVRS) is an online community of recorder players. We welcome all experience levels from emerging players to professional. Our goals are simple: to promote the recorder and to provide a safe, inclusive space for playing and having fun. Read on to learn about upcoming events and how to join our community. NAVRS is a Chapter of the American Recorder Society.
NAVRS Membership
Our "doors" are open to recorder players of every age and stage, from beginners to professionals, whether you've been playing for only a few weeks or for months or for decades. As a member of the North American Virtual Recorder Society, you’ll be part of our online community and able to participate in our regular monthly playing meetings, in our workshops and classes and in our presentations, all especially geared to our membership and unique to NAVRS. We're committed not just to providing playing and learning opportunities, but also to building a connected community of recorder players and hope you'll want to be a part of it.
Your $20 annual contribution gives you all this:
Monthly Playing Meetings
Year-round monthly playing meetings ($15 each with membership) featuring ensemble music for players of every age and stage
Quality Events
All events feature recorder professionals from across North America.
All recorded music is performed by humans! No MIDI here!
Free Events
Two FREE presentations annually on recorder-related topics for members only
Additional workshops and classes ($20 each with membership) offering opportunities for continued growth
An online community of recorder players to personally connect with at every event
Monthly newsletters/emails with articles and news about upcoming events
Recordings of playing meetings, workshops, and free events are available for a month afterwards to members who register. Participate in an event even if you can't attend live, or review an event you did atttend.
Purchase a NAVRS Membership
​Memberships are valid for one year and expire on December 31. (Members joining on or after November 1 receive benefits of the current year and the following year.)
Still have questions? See our FAQ. Ready to become a NAVRS Member? Choose an option below.
2024 NAVRS Membership
Membership thru 12/31/24
2024 NAVRS Membership + 12 meetings
Membership thru 12/31/24 plus 12 playing meetings for the price of 10
American Recorder Society Membership
The North American Virtual Recorder Society (NAVRS) is an independent chapter of the American Recorder Society (ARS) and membership in the ARS is separate from NAVRS membership. By joining the ARS, you will receive their quarterly publication, American Recorder, newsletters, music and other materials, and have access to the extensive resources for members only on their website. You can find more information on ARS membership at their website. Click the button below to visit the ARS.
Upcoming Events
To register, click an event below. For detailed instructions plus useful information on preparing for and participating in our online events, see Everything You Need to Know.
NAVRS welcomes non-members to attend one playing meeting free of charge. Click here to attend a playing meeting as a non-member and try out NAVRS.
20 US dollarsEnded
80 US dollarsEnded
20 US dollarsEnded
15 US dollars